Looking for an Ecommerce Course To Help You Grow Your Business?

“Success comes from consistent focused attention in the direction of your goals.” – Cath Langman

We have two ecommerce course options to suit your stage of growth in business

Here’s how it works: At the Productpreneur Academy, we take the most successful strategies from our multi-million dollar eCommerce clients and turn them into courses and coaching for our community.

Productpreneur Foundations digital marketing course for eCommerce businesses

Step 1: Launch & Grow Your Ecommerce Store

Early stage businesses start in our monthly group course, where we teach you all our eCommerce website traffic, sales and marketing secrets and help you learn how to implement it all for the first time.

PLUS our team works with you to help you learn how to implement it all correctly, troubleshoot any difficulties and help you to improve your results overtime.

This is a 3-month commitment with a 30-day money back guarantee, perfect for start-ups and early stage eCommerce businesses.

Productpreneur Mastery eCommerce mentoring program

Step 1: Accelerate Your Brand Growth

Ecommerce businesses ready to grow and looking for 1:1 individual help to scale work with us in our personalised coaching program.

This program is designed specifically for entrepreneurs ready to accelerate their brand growth from 6-figures per year to 7-figures per year.

This 12-month ‘done-with-you’ coaching and mentoring program will help you to systemise and scale your whole operation.

We guarantee you’ll achieve your sales growth goals over 12 months, plus we offer a 30 day money back guarantee!

Work with a team of experts to get individual help.

Get hands-on help from our team of coaches who work alongside founder Cath Langman, providing our clients with  personalised help when you need it.

Book a free strategy session to find out which ecommerce course suits you best